Sunday 20 November 2016

#67: The Road Ahead...

Today, I want to look back as well as looking forward. 

This year has been a big one, both in hobby and in life. In hobby, I painted a Tau army, a Bloodbound army, and made some considerable additions to my Salamander Legion. Throughout the year, I also added models to projects here and there, as well as a few new projects that never really got off the ground (Tyranids, I'm looking at you...), as well as repaint ing elements of my Grey Knights. 

In life, I changed jobs, became a dad, and rediscovered a lot of great things that I used to enjoy as a young chap. So yeah...

You could say it's been a big year on all fronts. But this post is not about all fronts. It's about this here blog!

I want to chuck out a few shout outs before we carry on to thank a few people. Al and Blake, two Games Workshop store managers from my city,  have been constant supports of the blog and my endeavours. You're both enablers of my spontaneous hobby projects, and you've revitalised the Toruament scene for me through your series of events focused on celebrating the great aspects of the game!

There are several other people who I'm going to send messages to in the next couple of days, who have been steadfast supporters! 

The reason that I'm getting all sentimental is because the Rune Axe has its second birthday in January! There'll be some special stuff coming up to celebrate! I'll be doing a bit of a give away, too, to show some love back to you, the readers!

As with every new year, and accompanying resolutions, I have two. I know, right? A bit early to be doing resolutions, isn't it? Perhaps. But wait, it will all make sense soon!

My biggest weakness (but definitely not my only one) in my hobby is a minuscule attention span, to the point where it can be difficult to finish a project before starting two more!

So my goal for the first six months of 2016 is to work on two main projects! 

Despite my love of Chaos, my Age of Sigmar focus will this year be aimed almost (disclaimer for future distractions) exclusively at the Death Grand Alliance. I'm kicking things off with a large contingent of Deathrattle, and a heavy focus on creating a unique force of Death to spread their cold grasp amongst the realms!

My second project that will be getting attention is none other than my 40k Word Bearers, who are getting dragging out of suspended animation (a.k.a. My shed) to once more launch crusades across the galaxy in the name of Chaos. Unsurprising, this was inspired by the recent announcement that not only are Thousand Sons getting all the love they deserve and more, but that Chaos Legions are getting a codex supplemen, doubtless full of delicious goodies and new tools of war that are hazardous to people's health! I've had a large Chaos Marime army for a long time and I feel now is their moment! Let's go big!

So they're going to be my main armies (for now) for next year! 

Other big announcements. I'm finally going to be moving toward some video content with elements of my blog changing from written word to film! This has been something I've talked about for some time and have dabbled in behind the scenes, but I feel it is the natural next step in growing this media platform that we all share here!

To do that, I need you! Id love to get you involved, whether it be an army showcase, a narrative campaign or a straight-down-the-line battle report. If you have a fully painted force, get in touch! Next year is going to be the year of community, where this blog is less about me and more about us.

Because at the end of the day, this game is about community and relationships and coming together to celebrate a common interest with other like-minded people!

I know this has been a bit rambling, but what I want to really convey to you is that I appreciate your support, and the future holds bigger and better things! 

Wow, I condensed pretty much the whole post into one sentence! 

Next week, I'm going to be showing you the fledgling start of my Death army! I can't wait! Thanks for reading, guys and gals!

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