Monday 12 January 2015

#1: The Magnificent Host Stage One

Well, I've been toying with the idea of a hobby/war gaming  blog for a while, and I guess it has to start somewhere. So to launch it, I thought I'd open with my hobby and gaming goals for 2015 in true, sappy New Years resolution style!

Goal #1: Paint 5000+ points of Warriors of Chaos
Goal #2: Occupy a podium position at two or more tournaments.
Goal #3: Paint an army, competitive or otherwise, up to 2400 points.

Placing in tournaments is something that I like to do, but rarely achieve (something that could easily be attributed to my 2014 tournament army being Beastmen). I'm not a fan of being "that guy" at tournaments but would love to be a bit more of a threat in that setting. 

Goal 3 is purely a labour of love, as it is incredibly satisfying to deploy a fully painted army, even more so if your opponent does the same! 

And the big one. Painting five thousand or more points of warriors of chaos. It's actually a lot more achievable than it sounds with an army like warriors, where two models can quite easily sink 800 points! And I have to admit before I continue that I have already painted about 1200 points worth! Cheating? Maybe. But I'm counting it. Because Chaos. 
As you can see, I've gone for a Slannesh themed army for several reasons. The first being it's something different; it's by far the least popular of the four chaos factions, both in colour scheme and in tabletop use. This is for fair reason, as the three other factions it competes with tend to have a bigger impact on the game. It's not that a Slannesh army is bad. It's just that a Nurgle army, for example, is widely considered to be better. But coming from a Beastman player, being immune to panic is like Christmas! I'll definitely be including elements from those other factions, but will keep the theme of Sigvald's Magnificent Host at its core.

I'm also not intending it to be a hugely competitive army, and instead focusing more on units I think are cool. You can see in the photo, that I've used Fenrisian Wolves as chaos war hounds (even Sigvald's dogs are better looking than everyone else's) and Converted Thunderwolf Cavalry/chaos Knights in lieu of Skullcrushers. These are just small inclusions I hope will add character to the army as a whole. 

And I can here you, the reader, muttering "steering away from power gaming, my foot. Crushers in a Slannesh army?" Rest assured that I am still including units of significant strength in the grand plan, using the pink and blue colour scheme to tie the army together! And alas, despite a terrifying reputation, my "wolf crushers" have had a notoriously pathetic on-table career. All the 1's!

This army is going to get big! The motivation behind painting such large forces is to eventually play some seriously large games. I'm talking in the 10,000+ points ball park! 

And to close out this post, which has ended up being twice as long as I first intended, if you, the loyal reader, have a painted army that you'd like me to showcase here or throw down against in a battle report, I'd love you to get in touch!
Thanks for reading!

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