Sunday 17 May 2015

#20: Preparing for War...

Well, I have one week until The 750pt Tiny Hammer tournament. And in that time, I have a LOT of painting to do. So, between work, landscaping my property and a very busy social schedule, I have been hitting the brushes as speedily as I can. 

And while I usually play my cards pretty close to my chest when it comes to tournaments, but I have thrown caution to the wind for the sake of you, the reader. While I may very well face down against one of you, I am one list in a pool of many, and there is really not a great deal to lose by being open. Lists are all in and submitted, so it's out of our hands. 

So without more ado, this is my list.

Illuminor Szeras (Warlord)
15 Necron Warriors (Compulsary Troop)
Triarch Stalker with a Heat Ray (Elite)
5 Tomb Blades with Shield Vanes, Nebuloscopes and Guass Blasters (Fast)
4 Destroyers accompanied by a Heavy Destroyer (Fast, Wildcard slot)

So, as I mentioned in my last post, I've learnt very heavily toward shooting. Szeras has enough special rules to supplement an army, gives the big unit of fifteen warriors a healthy stat-buff, as well as bringing some hard-hitting death with his Eldritch Lance. Aside from his special rules, his model is wicked! 

The rest of the army was chosen from the units in the book that carry any kind of decent gun. The Stalker is the centrepiece of this army, towering over the surrounding models. 
I do hate sub-assembly painting, but Necrons leave me with no choice. The vehicles are way too large and multi-layered to be able to fully build it before you paint. The end result is very satisfying though, when all the components come together. 

One thing you may notice in my list is the distinct lack of Particle Beamers on my tomb blades. Every necron player seems to have an obsession with S6 ignores-cover blast, and I can see the appeal, but I wanted to try an outside the box set up. I've still got Ignore Cover thanks to the Nebuloscopes, but I veered away from the Particle Beamer in favour of the less disgusting but more versatile Guass Blasters. Think your Rhino is safe behind that ruin? Think again!

So, I know that this army is harsh in the setting of the tournament. As far as I know (from the only two other lists I've seen), it's on the nastier end of the scale, but I'm still prepared to get my teeth kicked in more than once. 

So what are bad matchups for me?

I fear dedicated assault lists! While I have a pretty solid shooting phase, I don't really have much of an answer to something like Daemonkin, and despite the guns I can bring to bear, a list like horde Orks or Tyranids will still have plenty of bodies after my shooting to tear a few metal heads off. 

The second type of list that worries me is an army that can outshoot me. Tau and Astra Militarum spring to mind. If a list can do what I do, but better, I am gonna have a rough time. Eldar are going to give me some serious trouble, too! Not only do they pack the punch in the shooting phase, but they are so quick and so hard to catch; not to mention the carnage that could be caused if a gang of Striking Scorpions gets into my lines. 

My army only really has four units, so any unit that goes down is gonna hurt! Reanimation Protocol mitigates damage, but it's no fool-proof insurance against getting your face caved in with a blunt object. 

But I'll tell you why I am looking forward to this tournament so much. This is the first time I have competed in 40k in years.  And I cannot wait to deploy an army that I am proud of and that I (hopefully) have painted, and just roll some dice, win or lose. And if I get smashed four times in a row, there's always Best Sports!

So yeah, I am really pumped for this coming weekend. There shall be Battle Reports in abundance to come! 

But in that time, I still have heaps of painting and basing to do, so I must leave you to lavish some artistic attention upon some space robots.

As always, thanks for reading!
Have a fantastic week.


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