Monday 14 September 2015

#38: Terrainasaurus Wrecks

This week has been a bit of a "works in progress" week. A lot of hobby progress has been made, but nothing finished off. 

First on my table has been the new AOS Battle Standard Bearer for my Magnificent Host. 
He's only about half done, but the detail on this model is off chops. I ended up plonking his ass on a 40mm round base due solely to the size of his banner. I'm enjoying the diversity in modelling that Age of Sigmar offers, and I've been enjoying just picking the base that looks coolest for the model. It's a simple shift in focus, but it allows a lot of customisation from model to model. 
Next up is a 10-man Tankbusta squad that I'm painting for a narrative campaign. These guys are a really powerful unit within the Ork codex, and having used them once, I won't be leaving home without them! A whole squad with Tank Hunting Rokkit Launchas AND what are essentially melta bombs just spell death for armour of any description. And don't even get me started on Bomb Squigs!

Lastly, I've been pouring a fair amount of time and energy into terrain. 
This blastscape is one of my favourite pieces of terrain, and is definitely a good one to start with. The shattered shell of a Rhino has naturally recieved a Crimson Fist paint job, and while this piece still needs a lot of work, it's definitely coming together!

This leads me to my current dilemma. Terrain variety. I'm a huge fan of the Games Workshop terrain. I really, truly am. However, I'm a little conflicted at the moment, because for 40k, their terrain range can be put into two distinct categories. "Cities of Death" with the ruined buildings and shattered walls, and "Wall of Martyrs" representing the imperial defence networks. Outside of those two categories, I feel like there is not a great deal. Now, to be fair, my desert table that I'm working on at the moment leans heavily upon Wall of Martyrs as an arid, active war zone as well as utilising a few older pieces such as the one above.

But for my next table, which probably won't be too far away, it's going to be pretty heavily converted anyway. Its going to be an Ork settlement table worthy of my sizeable Greenskin horde! But I get ahead of myself... 

So yeah, I sincerely hope that there are some great terrain pieces in the pipelines, but if not, that's ok. I'll just have to brush up on my arts and craft skills!

I'd love to hear what you guys are working on! Don't be afraid to sneak me some work-in-progress pics.

Thanks for reading,

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