Sunday 7 January 2018

#115: New Year, New Me! Well, not really...

There's something about New Year's Resolutions. They aren't restrained by reality or doubt. No painting project, no gaming achievement, no hobby goal is beyond reach. New Year's Resolutions are fuelled by good intentions and pure, unfiltered optimism.

So, here goes.

January is a good time to recalibrate and reassess, especially after such a busy year last year, so I wanted to lay out to you my goals for 2017.

Let's tackle painting first. Last year I painted over two hundred models, which was my target. It didn't matter if it was a dishevelled Plague Monk or a towering Dreadknight, each model is one. Many times, I considered "cheating" counting larger models as 3 or even 5 for the tally, but that wasn't the challenge I set myself, and it won't be this year either. Numbers-wise, I'd love to match last year, and tick over that 200 model mark. I'd also love to finish two armies in their entirety as part of that 200 model lot. Last year, I practically finished Clan Pestilens, but the rest of my painting was largely unfocused, leaping from one project to the other in a sporadic and aimless pattern. Don't get me wrong, sometimes whimsical painting is the perfect method to break through Painters Block, which afflicts us all in some degree or another throughout our hobby lives. But I'd love to just smash out and "complete" projects.

But you and I both know, dear reader, that in the world of miniature wargaming, a project is very rarely completed.

Gaming wise, the evolution of the Australian Age of Sigmar scene has gone through an incredible level of growth in 2017. With the Heralds of War (an Australian Podcast) facilitating and maintaining the national tournament rankings, it has given the community a fire in their bellies and a goal to fight toward. Each event and tournament is now bigger than just a day-long or two day event. It's building your campaign toward Masters; the tournament to rule them all. In Australia, the top 16 ranked players in the nation get an invite to Masters. While I would love to get to Masters on my own merit, I think it needs to be said that there are dozens and dozens of great players standing between myself and that elusive upper echelon of gaming. So here's my realistic goal in a competitive sense. I want to finish the tournament season in the top 32 players in the country. I'd also love to finish the year with an Icon next to my name, which represents "Best Ranked Player in Faction". The Icon I have my eyes on is, of course, Clan Pestilens. If I can finish the year as the highest ranked Pestilens Player, I'll be a very happy man!

Lastly, of course, as many of you will know from the last couple of months, probably my biggest goal for the year is to move into video content, and to produce it at a high quality level. The studio is set up, the terrain is being painted and the table is almost ready to throw dice on! I went shopping for recording and sound equipment over the christmas break, and I have to say that I'm really excited for this next step. The way I see it, if I'm going to do video content, I want to create it to the highest level of quality that I can. There's no point making a half-hearted effort. I'm all in.

So there you go, there's my three New Years Resolutions.

Paint 200 Models including two complete armies.
Finish 2018 in the top 32 Players in the Australian AOS Rankings with an icon next to my name.
Move into video content on a larger scale.

I hope that you choose to follow along on this journey with me! I have an inkling that it's going to be a great year for the game! If you haven't already, 'like' the Facebook page to keep up to date, and of course, I want to hear from you! What are your New Years Hobby Resolutions?

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