Tuesday 14 July 2015

#30: Update on the Magnificent Host...

I am on annual leave currently, and all my days have blurred into one, so I apologise, dear reader, as I realise today is Tuesday instead of the normal Monday. But I shall not let that stop me!

So, what's been happening? Wll, the new Age of Sigmar starter kit dropped in all of its glory. Following the trend of the last few starter kits that GW has released (regardless of game), it is absolutely jam packed with incredible models! I'm talking high-detail figures with seriously good assembly and instructions! I have assembled the whole chaos side and not once did I bugger anything up or glue the wrong piece to the wrong other piece, as I tend to do on occasion! 

The Khorne war band is exceptional! The marauders are everything that the old marauder kit aspired to be! Dynamic, detailed, and conveniently even came with the option to make a fantastic command group! The chaos lord is one of my favourite models for the Warriors range yet. Nothing screams power and badassery like a pet Flesh Hound. 

And that Khorne battle standard bearer!!

Now, during assembly, I had one priority; to assemble and base these models in such a way that I can use them in both Age of Sigmar and my existing Warriors of Chaos army, the Magnificent Host, led by none other than the most vain, gorgeous and downright stylish Champion of Chaos ever. Sigvald the Magnificent. The marauders were easy. I simply built them on 25mm round bases so that they could still rand up on movement trays. The BSB and the one-handed slave driver had to go on squares to fit their wide stance diagonally on the base. And the Khorgorath fits perfectly on a 50mm square base to stand in as Scylla Annfingrimm. 
The lord, being on foot and being so large is a tricky one. No infantry character stands on a 50mm square (which he only just fits on) and if I put him on a 60mm round, which comes with the kit, he will have very little use in my Host. 

This left me with two possibilities. 

1: Use him as a rank filler (albeit a significantly more terrifying model than any infantry unit he might accompany), or...

2: Use him and his hound to represent a Daemon Prince of Khorne, treating the two as the destructive equivalent of a hulking brute. 

Either way, he is going on a 50mm square and I will make do. 

The next challenge was regarding colour schemes. Do I paint this Khorne war band the traditional red as Sigvald's allied contingent, or do I incorporate them into the core force with the pink and blue scheme. After a test model in each scheme, I settled on the latter, as I much prefer a uniform army! 
I have ten of these guys on my painting desk at the moment, battling with all of my other projects for attention, but I hope to have them finished in the next few days!

"What of the Stormcast Eternal?", I hear you ask. 

Well, to be honest, I was much more excited for the chaos side of things. I painted up the Stormcast that came with White Dwarf, but I honestly have not been to inspired by the golden, lightning super-soldiers. The Lord-Celestant riding the Dracoth is awesome, but until I get really motivated, I'm unsure if I will tackle that side of the kit any time soon. 

I also finally finished painting my entire Nurgle army, the Bringers of Contagion. You may have seem the veritable carpet of Nurglings I posted up yesterday. That is but a tiny portion of this project that I can finally close the book on and give it a place of honour on my display shelves as a project finished; an achievement in itself. Later this week, I'll post a showcase of the Bringers as well as a battle report against some cheeky High Elves with THAT banner. 

I will also take a moment to talk about the closure of Border Wars, our Fantasy Army Builder challenge that has been ongoing the last few months. This has officially finished! My head hangs low as I admit that I fell well behind the timeframe (that'll show me for picking an army consisting entirely of robes), but I will be showcasing two of our participants in a battle report between Josh's Chaos Legions and Liam's tribe of Night Goblins to commemorate the journey! 

Looking to the future, there are big plans ahead. Countless people have asked if I will be doing a similar challenge for 40k and the answer is absolutely! I have every intention of running a 40k version. It will be very casual and fun, and I look forward to everyone getting involved!

Details to come! 

Thanks all again for reading and apologies again for the lateness of this post. 


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