Sunday 2 October 2016

#60: The Unseen Menace...

Genestealer Cults are back! This is a vintage faction from waaaaaay back in the day, and boy, oh boy, have they received some love! 

Genecult has always been a niche army, that used to rock around in limousines, causing havoc and dissent everywhere they go. And back when the fluff and background of a lot of the Grimdark was just that. Grim, dark and pretty gritty!

It's no secret that in recent years, a lot of the more mature story content has been toned back by GW in an effort to be more "all-ages-friendly". And, honestly, I can't blame them. Some of the Black Library books from way back when, some of the codexes, even some of the characters themselves (Ghorros, I'm looking at you...) had some pretty mature content and themes, which can be a deterrent for the parents of some young gamers. Beastmen are a great example. Nowadays, they are portrayed as Choas-infused half-naked warriors who hate all things civilised. This was not always the case. Their background used to be DARK!

So when rumours started creeping out of the shadows that the Genestealer Cults would receive a standalone codex, I was unsure how to feel. On one hand, they are on the fringes of the 40k universe. What I mean by that is that you could remove all traces of Genecults from the 40k cannon, and it would not even make a ripple. Tyranids would still consume worlds, Genestealers would still infest Space Hulks, the show would go on. On the other hand, they are among the strongest Xenos faction when it comes to narrative and culture. I mean, the army is structured around what is essentially a single clan. 

Why give Genestealer Cults their own codex? And why now?

These are two really important questions.

It seems like a strange move to be releasing niche codexes, when other existing codexes could quite easily be seen as more deserving of an update. Yet, here we are, with essentially a brand new army, that not only operates as a standalone force, but makes a great ally for Guard and Tyranids. Rejoice, Tyranids, for you have allies! 

I am seriously impressed that GW has stayed true to the original fluff of the Gene Cult, because let's be real... The whole concept behind the Cult is pretty messed up. A lone Genestealer "infecting" poor civilians who become the building blocks of a mind controlled, alien breeding program before rising up and slaughtering the population in preparation for the coming of the Hive Fleet isn't exactly kid-friendly, and GW has been keeping things pretty tame, so when they turned around and stuck to the original IP, I knew we were in for a top notch release. 

The Deathwatch: Overkill box was our first taste, and it was good. There was a definite shift away from the "gangster" aesthetic, opting for a Mining theme. Which I love! It fits perfectly into the fluff, as it's very easy to imagine a Gene Cult thriving in some isolated, far-flung mining world, hidden away from the prying eyes of the Imperium and its Ordo Xenos agents. Not only that, but they have access to a plethora of mining equipment being repurposed for war. 

Hand in hand with the codex, we've been gifted several new kits; infantry boxes to cover first-through-fourth generation cult members complete with a huge selection of mutations and gear, as well as the sturdy Goliath Truck (which I fully intend to loot for my Orks!) to replace the vintage limousines in filling the transport/gun platform battlefield role. 

Looking at the army and how it works, I think that Genestealer Cults will really divide the good players from the greats! There are a lot of moving parts in this army, and it'll take a true master of the game to get the most out of the book. 

It hits like a ton of bricks, but the whole army is protected by little more than miners suits, so eloquent use of the Ambushing abilities as well as a carefully constructed list will both be necessary to accentuate their tactical prowess and underhanded strategies. 

I think that as an opponent, it will be very frustrating to face off against these denizens of the hives, because they are capable of being very difficult to engage head on! They can disappear into the shadows without skipping a beat, before popping out of nowhere to cause complete carnage! 

All in all, I think this has been a really solid release. The models are on point, plenty of options, plenty of variety and a great modern portrayal of their vintage counterparts. 

So. Who's succumbing to the call? Are you planning on dropping bulk cash on this newest player to our beautiful game? I'm not going to lie, the temptation is real... Must... Resist...

Thanks for reading, 

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